Terms and conditions
These Terms of Use govern the access and use of the mobile application for smartphones called Amandine Finger Pastry Chef, available on Google Play and App Store (the “Mobile App”), as well as the website hosted under the domain www.amandinefinger.com (“Website”), as well as the content and services that the Website and the Mobile App make available to their users (the “Users”).
In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the following identifying data of the owner of the Website are provided:
Amandine Finger Chef Pastelera is a commercial company with registered office in Madrid, Calle xxxxx, 999, Madrid, 9999, with DNI 99999999 and duly registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid in Volume xxxxx, Folio x, Page M-xxxxxx and Entry 1ª ("Amandine Finger Chef Pastelera"). The contact email is: amandine.finger@gmail.com
Access to the Website and the Mobile App or their use by the User necessarily implies, and without reservation, knowledge and acceptance of these Conditions of Use. Therefore, it is recommended that the User read them carefully each time he or she wants to access the Website or enter the Mobile App.
Use of the website and mobile apps.
Users will be entirely responsible for the correct use of the Website and the Mobile App in compliance with current legislation, whether national or international, as well as the principles of good faith, morality, good customs and public order, and with the commitment to diligently observe any additional instructions that may be given to them by Amandine Finger Pastry Chef.
Users shall refrain from using the services and content of the Website for illegal purposes or effects that are harmful to the rights and interests of third parties, or that in any way may damage, render useless, affect or impair the operation of the Website and the Mobile App, its content and services. Likewise, it is prohibited to prevent other Users from using or enjoying the Website and Mobile App normally.
Our antivirus system is reasonably secure. For all these reasons, Amandine Finger Chef Pastelera is not responsible for any potential damage or errors that, due to the presence of any virus, may occur to the computer system (hardware or software) of Users when they access or use the Website and Mobile App.
Responsibility of Amandine Finger Pastry Chef
Amandine Finger Chef Pastelera pondrá los medios razonables a disposición del Usuario para que los contenidos y servicios incluidos en el Sitio Web y la App Móvil sean exactos y estén actualizados. No obstante, Amandine Finger Chef Pastelera no está en condiciones de poder garantizar esta circunstancia en todo momento. Asimismo, Amandine Finger Chef Pastelera no será responsable del funcionamiento de las redes de comunicación que posibilitan el funcionamiento del Sitio Web y App móvil, ya sean fijas o móviles, cuya responsabilidad incumbe enteramente a prestadores ajenos a Amandine Finger Chef Pastelera
Si lo considera oportuno, Amandine Finger Chef Pastelera podrá suspender de forma inmediata la prestación del servicio y, en su caso, retirar los contenidos que estime incorrectos o ilegales, ya lo realice a su exclusivo criterio, ya a petición de tercero afectado o de autoridad competente, sin que dicha suspensión pueda dar lugar a indemnización alguna.
Links to third parties
Amandine Finger Chef Pastelera assumes no liability for any links that allow the User to access services and benefits offered by third parties through the Website and Mobile App, provided that they are not related to the Website and Mobile App. Therefore, Amandine Finger Chef Pastelera is not responsible for the information contained therein or for any effects that may arise from said information. Likewise, Amandine Finger Chef Pastelera reserves the right to unilaterally and without prior notice remove the links that appear on the Website and Mobile App.
If any User or third party observes that such links may be contrary to the law, morality or public order, they must inform Amandine Finger Chef Pastelera via email at amandine.finger@gmail.com
Intellectual and industrial property
Amandine Finger Pastry Chef is the owner or licensee of all intellectual and industrial property rights included in the Website and Mobile App, as well as the content accessible through them.
The intellectual property rights of the Website and Mobile App, as well as the texts, images, graphic design, navigation structure, information and content contained therein are the property of Amandine Finger Chef Pastelera, who has the exclusive right to exploit them in any form and, in particular, the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation, in accordance with Spanish legislation on intellectual and industrial property rights.
Authorization of the User to access the Website and Mobile App does not imply a waiver, transmission, license or total or partial transfer of intellectual or industrial property rights by Amandine Finger Chef Pastelera, so its use is strictly prohibited.
Modifications to the conditions of use
Amandine Finger Chef Pastelera reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use in accordance with applicable legislation at any time, which will be duly reported on the Website and Mobile App, and therefore recommends that the User review them periodically to be informed of how Amandine Finger Chef Pastelera protects your information.
Applicable law and jurisdiction
For the resolution of any conflict that may arise from access to the Website and Mobile App, the User and Amandine Finger Chef Pasteler expressly agree to submit to the courts and tribunals of the city of Madrid, waiving any other general or special jurisdiction that may apply to them.